Maine CDC

As the state’s health protection agency, Maine DHHS and CDC save lives and protect people from health threats.
To educate and help persuade Mainers around the safety and importance of the COVID vaccine with a PSA TV ad using someone recognizable and trustworthy.
Bill Green is synonymous with the state of Maine and has built a career in TV that has entertained multiple generations of Mainers.
A 4.5-week multi-tactic approach with mass media for maximum reach (with an emphasis on news and prime access) and social to extend reach and target areas with lower vaccination rates.
Tactics include creating a 30-second TV spot featuring Bill Green to be used on all major local stations alongside cable and Facebook.
Target 25-54-aged Maine residents, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, with broadcast and cable television on all major stations. Heavily focus programming on local news and prime access, including Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, while focusing cable on news networks.
Using Facebook Ads, geo and demo target image and video units (using :30 TV spot) to areas with lower vaccination rates.
Delivered a total of 8,217,034 impressions across the campaign.
Television: 6,962,097 traditional TV impressions from 1073 traditional TV spots scheduled statewide on all major local stations.
Facebook Ads: 1,254,937 impressions delivered on Facebook through geographic and demographic targeted image and video units (using :30 TV spot). The ads reached 153,078 unique people and yielded 182,705 post engagements and 4655 clicks.