French Toast

French Toast is dedicated to making the best possible school wear accessible to ALL kids and ALL families from ALL walks of life.
No one likes ill-fitting clothes. So, to help equip NYC kids with the confidence to thrive in life, French Toast and their client Success Academy asked TideSmart to help budget-conscious parents and their K-4 kids get the proper sizing and fit for their new school uniforms for the upcoming year.
With a fast turnaround and limited budget, TideSmart converted an existing RV into an easy-to-access "FitBus." Featuring a showroom for the new apparel line, students and parents could make an appointment, come on board, and find the perfect fit for their new uniforms.
At the back of the FitBus, we showcased new scholar kits, a full range of sizing for all uniforms, informational signage, and more. While up at the front of the FitBus, we provided three (3) changing stations with bench seating, dressing mirrors, and hanging racks.
The FitBus then traveled to four (4) markets in New York City—The Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.
By providing a truly turnkey experience for students and their families, the successful execution of all four boroughs not only allowed new scholars access to the FitBus but also served as a rolling billboard for both Success Academy and French Toast bringing a myriad of organic impressions and the potential for further student enrollment.
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